12901: MBS Repair & Maintenance Kit
- 1 pre-treated 6″ x 6″ 303 Aerospace Protectant towelette for ZipDry closure lubrication
- Instructions for opening and maintaining ZipDry closure
- 1 .25 oz tube of Aqua Seal Flexible Durable Adhesive for gluing patches
- 1 Made in USA toothbrush for seal cleaning and lubrication
- 3 Multicam 4.5″ x 2.5″ fabric patches
- 3 Alpha Green 4.5″ x 2.5″ fabric patches
- 1 tube of YKK Aquaseal zipper lubricant
- Instructions for lubing and maintaining YKK Aquaseal zipper
- 3 Tear-Aid (Type A) 1.5″ Patches for field expedient repair of small tears or punctures
- Tear-Aid instructions
BERRY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: Watershed, LLC certifies that this product is in full compliance with the Berry Amendment (10 U.S.C. 2533a) as implemented by DFARS 252.225-7012, meaning that any textile end products, including all of the components thereof, have been grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States or one of its territories, and by DFARS 252.225-7015, meaning that any hand or measuring tools have been produced in the United States or its outlying areas.